11 Temmuz 2007 Çarşamba

Barclays credit card goes eco-friendly

A new Barclays credit card is offering consumers the chance to display their environmentally friendly credentials.Launched yesterday (July 2nd), customers who take on the Barclaycard Breathe option will be guaranteed a low interest rate of 5.9 per cent.A large range of discounts will also be offered with the group's retail partners, including up to £50 off a British Gas loft and cavity insulation installation and £25 off bills with Ecotricity.Customers will also be afforded peace of mind by the news that Barclaycard Breathe will donate half of all its profits to carbon reduction projects both at home and abroad.Among the first will be Solar4Schools, a project aiming to supply and install solar panels in schools around the country, while a project in Brazil will promote the use of sustainable wood sources for fuel, replacing energy from diesel generators.Amer Sajed, commenting on the launch of Barclaycard Breathe, said: "Barclaycard has a long history of innovation as the first UK credit card provider and I'm delighted to launch another UK first.""This card helps customers do their bit in the fight against climate change,'" he added.

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